Russ Nicholson Wizard Study. This was a piece from an early edition of
White Dwarf Magazine. I love Russ Nicholson's style of artwork,
its like a modern day Drurer woodcut print.
I find rendering all those close lines is a great method of loosening myself up artistically
before I start my own work. I think this is my fifth or sixth Russ Nicholson study piece.
Jim Holloway Wizard Study
Another study piece, this time from old school D&D Artist Jim Holloway.
Another artist I really admire. Both of them are still plying their trade
drawing, painting and rendering their own fantastic brand of fantasy
artwork. This particular Jim Holloway piece is from 1981. It was in
the basic D&D Module Blizzard Pass M1 Solo adventure, the one
with the invisible pen entries. I think my own style lends itself to
the Russ Nicholson style a lot more than Jim's. I do like drawing/
attempting to draw both artists works. I have probably drawn
more than a dozen of Jim's smaller pieces to date, with middling
results. Have to keep at it I suppose. Now, maybe something by
Roslof, Elmore, Dee, Willingham or Otus?
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